Howdy to everyone out there on the internet!
I know it has been too long since I posted. We had a fantastic time out in CA last summer/fall during our internship w/
Dr. Tom Forest He is an amazing man and an incredibly talented upper cervical doctor. Another shout out goes to our coach,
Dr. Kevin Donka, who has been working w/ us since early October as coach-consultant-cheerleader through the many trials of starting up a chiropractic office.
The new practice will be open for business in May, 2010. Although I had planned to have my doors open in February (knowing full well this was wildly optimistic), I resigned myself to the fact "It takes longer and cost more than you think it should." Anyway, it has been an exciting journey with a million twisits and turns along the way!!
Nat at
truecreativeinc has been designing an incredible logo for us. Just wait until you see it...I've looked at some the early design concepts...
more to come.
And one last thing about ChiroKiddos: we are back in business (after having stuff in storage for about 1/2 a year). Check it out
on the web.