They arrived!! The ChiroKiddos are here now. Click on the website and go to the ChiroKiddos tab and order a pair.
Last week Atlas and Axis made their first trip south of the Mason-Dixon line to Music City, USA. It was a lovely occasion to see the greenest state in the land of the free, relax at the Opryland resort, and eat breakfast at Waffle House.
The "Tribute to BJ Palmer" weekend was another fantastic event for me and my family. The ChiroKiddos were very well received by students and doctors alike. Several dolls were purchased and many contacts were made. Thanks to Dr. Ray Drury, Dr. Thad Vuagniaux, Billy Doherty, and all the people at UCHCA for an incredible conference.
I learned a ton of info. from the speakers. My wife and I were especially impressed with Dr. Julie Mayer Hunt from Clearwater, Florida. Her presentation was a moving and extremely emotional experience for the whole audience. I was deeply impressed (even more than before) about children's need for specific scientific chiropractic care. Thanks Dr. Hunt for your interest in ChiroKiddos, but we are even more grateful for your commitment to bringing health and hope to children! If you live anywhere near Clearwater, Florida you must make the effort to get to know Dr. Julie and her father. Their clinic's website has a great mission statement, which ends like this:
"...Mayer Chiropractic is dedicated to spreading health and wellness throughout our community ... beginning with children."